Friday, November 5, 2010

The girl with the full soul

Well, this has certainly been a lovely last week or so.  (I'm choosing to block out election day - and the bright side of that is that Jon Stewart's got a lot of good material).  Without any attempt at a marginally witty expository introduction, here's why.

I'm playing volleyball again!  In a women's league, on a women's net. Bliss. 

It's fall.  And though they aren't widespread, the few orangey-red trees we have are stunning.

We've had Trey McIntyre Project in residence for the last few days.  As I've said before, hanging out with artists is the only way to keep jobs like mine in perspective.  Tonight, they performed to a sold out house.  Let me say that again.  A dance company performed to a sold. out. house.  Now THAT is a professional victory if I do say so myself.

My friend Kathryn had a new baby.  Even though her family is heading for an overseas state department posting and I probably won't meet the kid before she's 12, it's still delightful.

And then there's my dog.  I will admit, this dog ownership thing isn't easy.  Getting up early for a walk each day is not, contrary to what "they" said, becoming easier.  It sucks, in fact.  And trying to project calm-assertive energy when your dog is wiggling herself into a frenzy is tiring.

But still, she's worth it.  There's something to be said for unconditional love.  And it doesn't hurt that she's funny; I could write my own personal "Funny s#!& my dog does" anthology.  Here's just a few:
* I can get her to play fetch.  For exactly 2 tosses of the ball.  Then she's done.
* Sometimes, when we head out on to the frosty grass in the morning, she leaps up, all four feet off the ground, as if to say "Jeez!  That's cold."
* I kid you not, yesterday, while peeing at the dog park, she squatted and lifted BOTH of her back legs off the ground.  That and her ability to change directions at the speed of sound makes me wonder if I've got a circus dog on my hands.
* She likes to move my shoes from one room to the next.  Not chew them (at least not yet), but move them.  As if to say: "Hey, check it out!  I can move your shoes."
* She's afraid of my trash can.

So yeah, life isn't bad.  I'm exhausted and would love a day or two to just watch movies and sleep.  But all thing considered, I can't complain.  Which most of you know is unusual for me.  :)

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